Vet Victoria

Hello Folks!

I’m a final year vet student at Bristol Uni, crazy about animals, the love between animals and their humans and animal welfare in general and I have decided to start a blog for a few reasons:

A few different, fabulous charities all invited me to write different blogs for them after doing various charity work and campaigning. I was asked to blog about different welfare issues by each charity and for one reason or another I still haven’t got round to it (exams, rotations, life) and I felt like it would be a good idea to start my own.

I have many sleepless nights worrying about animal welfare (call me sad, I don’t care) and I thought blogging about it would be a really great way of getting it off my chest while also spreading the animal love and educating people along the way!

Finally it gives me an excuse to show off some nice pictures I have taken (mainly of my cats) but also of other creatures I might want to talk about!

A bit more about me:

I have been at Vet School since 2011. I started on the Pre Vet course having done the “wrong” A Levels to get into veterinary. By “wrong” this means I didn’t have Chemistry A Level. At the time, Nottingham vet school took 25 Pre Vet students and Bristol took 5 so it was a tall order, but exactly 1 year after clicking send on my UCAS application, I started vet school! This has been the dream since I was about 3, even my initials spell VET! I have 2 of the sassiest cats ever to grace the earth (Mia and Henry) and many waifs and strays have passed through my door over the years, from lambs to goldfish.

I really hope you enjoy reading about animal welfare/ spreading the word to educate as many people as possible!

Vick x

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